Thursday, July 2, 2015

Vic Turns It Around 

Photo by William Ward
Vic always seemed to find himself in a rut.  He rarely felt happy.  He couldn't catch a break.  He focused on what went wrong in his life, not the things that worked well.
And mostly, he blamed it on his friend Tim.
Tim wallowed in the lifestyle where everybody was out to get him.  The world operated a vast conspiracy against him.  Nothing was ever Tim's fault.
Remember the lady who sued the fast-food conglomerate a few years ago because she spilled coffee on herself that was "too hot?"  She was Tim's role model!  The U.S. has about 6% of the world's population but 80% of the world's attorneys.  Tim loved to throw that fact around!
This mentality of living like the doormat for everyone else that Tim seemed to love so much, had rubbed off on Vic for years.  Until, finally, Vic decided he'd had enough.  He knew he needed to find some new friends, people who chose to live on the positive side of life.
That's when he met Tory, and his whole universe got turned around.
Tory loved life.  She embraced challenges, and even when she fell short, she took it as a chance to grow and learn.  Tory took responsibility for her decisions, and her sunny outlook reflected that calm confidence that Vic had been missing for so long.
Deciding to be happy and energized to make others happy is indeed a conscious choice.  It's the reason we're here.
It may be easier to live as a "Vic/Tim," but so much less fulfilling and meaningful.
Instead, put forth the effort to live in "Vic/Tory."  Make that choice every morning, and continue to choose happiness with every encounter, every day.  It may seem like a challenge at first, but soon it becomes a wonderful way of life.
Be well,
Eric's sig

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