Monday, October 12, 2015

All About that Fearful and Wonderful

Photo By: Mary Brack
The American King James Bible cites Psalm 139:14 as follows:

I will praise you; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are your works; and that my soul knows right well.

Believe it or not, I think what the Psalmist expressed all those centuries ago is much the same sentiment you may hear bouncing sprightly out of your car radio these days.  

Meghan Trainor, a 20-year-old pop singer, wrote a song called "All About That Bass" that uses an irresistible bubble-gum beat to blast away at unrealistic, damaging body issues that too many people - mostly females - suffer under in our society.  

The best line of her catchy, No. 1 tune comes when Trainor sings, "I'm here to tell you, every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top."

Every person ever born arrives with his or her own special stamp of beauty, both visible to the eye and experienced by the heart.  No one deserves to be made to feel unworthy, insufficient, lacking, or anything but a divine creation.

When the Psalmist says "I am fearfully made," that has also been translated in other versions of the Bible as being "amazingly made." And if you stop to think about how you are put together - how all of those disparate parts work in breathtaking harmony and fluidity, how food gets converted into energy by some internal miracle of chemistry, how blood serves as your inner transportation system, and how billions of tiny electrical explosions in that wrinkled block of jelly between your ears control it all - how could anyone say it's anything but amazing?

It's worth taking a moment to appreciate the astounding creation you are, and that everyone who has ever walked the earth, is.  We're all, truly, fearfully and wonderfully made, and no matter how big or small or fat or thin or plain-looking or stunningly gorgeous we may be as individuals - every inch of us, every one of us, is perfect from the bottom to the top.

Be well,

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